Meet our researchers: Prof Maria Kavallaris

07 Aug 2016

After the recent Oznanomed conference in Sydney, Prof Maria Kavallaris shares her big vision for the ‘little things’ in science and how they are heading toward better cancer treatments.

Maria is leader of our Tumour Biology and Targeting Program. If that doesn’t sound enough, she is also Director of UNSW Centre for Nanomedicine.

“A big problem in childhood cancer is that, while cancer therapy improvements mean more children survive cancer than ever, the treatments are often highly toxic. Long-term survivors can experience lifelong health impacts from their treatment.

I’ve been fortunate to work with people from biology, medicine, chemistry and engineering in the new field of nanomedicine. It’s not easy to bring diverse specialities together and understand everyone’s language. It takes time, perseverance and mutual respect.

My vision is that one day we’ll develop effective and less toxic cancer therapies so that, in future, no child will have to suffer the side effects of their cancer therapy.”

Read more about Maria and her work /get-involved/fundraising-and-events/eventshere.