Children’s Cancer Institute’s commitment to our Supporters.

Children’s Cancer Institute (CCI) is the only independent medical research institute in Australia wholly dedicated to curing childhood cancer. We are thrilled to have our donor support, which gives us the ability to continue our work to achieve this vision. As a Not-for-Profit our supporters and their trust are integral to the fabric of our operation.  

CCI makes the following commitments to our supporters: 

We will operate with Integrity and Accountability 

  • We will steward your donations and gifts responsibly 
  • We will communicate with supporters how their donations are contributing to our research and vision meaningfully – sharing our Research Impact and Child Impact stories 
  • We will provide transparent financial updates by publishing our Annual Reviews  
  • We will provide accurate reports on our organisation’s income and expenditure according to our national regulatory framework and publish clear information on our activities for stakeholders, beneficiaries, supporters, and the public. 
  • We may decline a donation if we feel accepting it would be unethical or may damage our reputation – if we do, we will be happy to explain our reasons why 

We will engage with you effectively and ethically 

  • We will be professional and respectful – we will be compassionate with our supporters and never exploit vulnerability  
  • We will give our supporters the choice of when and how they wish to be communicated with – respecting and accommodating their wishes for what information we hold on their behalf 
  • We will provide honest and accurate information  
  • We will always respond to queries promptly and professionally 

We will operate in accordance with relevant laws and regulations 

  • We are committed to high levels of professional conduct in our fundraising practices. We incorporate these practices into our operation, following the Fundraising Institute of Australia guidelines 

If you have any questions or concerns you can call us on 1800 685 686 or email 

Your donation will fund research that will save young lives!