19 for 19 Challenge for Anya's Wish
Wherever you live, please join us for the 19 for 19 challenge on Sunday 19 October 2025 in honour of Anya Zuber.
There are two ways to get involved:
1. Join us in Armidale for a 19km bush walk (or a 7.5km family-friendly walk) on a beautiful course that encompasses three stunning properties, 'Victoria Park,' 'Mt McDonald' and 'By Gorge,' each with unique vistas across the escarpment to the finish line at the magnificent Dangar's Falls.
2. Or, take part virtually by grabbing your friends and choosing your 19 for 19 Challenge in honour of the 19 precious years that Anya lived for.
Every kilometre we embark together will help us to move one step closer to improving the outcomes for children diagnosed with osteosarcoma.
Armidale 19km walk
Date: Sunday 19 October 2025, 7:00am-1:00pm
Location: Armidale
Distance: 7.5km or 19km
Registrations will be opening soon, so save the date in your calendars!
19 for 19 Virtual Challenge
If you can't join us in Armidale, you can choose your 19 for 19 Challenge and set up your online fundraising page now.
Whether you walk, run or cycle 19km, do 19 star jumps or run 19 laps of your local park - together we can make a difference for generations to come.
Every kilometre we embark together will help us to move one step closer to improving the outcomes for children diagnosed with osteosarcoma.
We walk for Anya
Anya was 13 when she was diagnosed with high-grade metastatic osteosarcoma – an aggressive and life-threatening bone cancer.
Throughout her 6-year journey, Anya's strength, toughness and bravery inspired all those around her. Today, Anya's memory is helping drive research into new treatments for children and young adults with osteosarcoma.
Social Posts
Share these on social media to help boost your fundraising

19 for 19 - Walking 1
19 for 19 - Walking 2
19 for 19 - Walking 3
19 for 19 - Walking 4
19 for 19 - Running 1
19 for 19 - Running 2
19 for 19 - Running 3
19 for 19 - Running 4
19 for 19 - Support 1
19 for 19 - Support 2
19 for 19 - Support 3
19 for 19 - Support 4
19 for 19 - Support 5
19 for 19 - Support 6
DownloadGet in touch
Do you have a question about the 19 for 19 event? Please email elizabethegan@me.com
Or if you have a question about Children's Cancer Institute please contact us at philanthropy@ccia.org.au