Lucy needs our help

“If a child you love is diagnosed with cancer, you’ll need the research that is happening now.”  – Sarah, Lucy’s mum.

We need yours

Every year over 1000 children are diagnosed with cancer. Children like Lucy, who was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma, an aggressive and rare tumour at just three years old.

Doctors gave her a 30% chance of survival. Our cutting-edge research was able to identify several genes that were driving Lucy's cancer. For one of these, we were also able to identify a drug that has the potential to prevent her from relapsing. It was something not normally considered for her cancer. Lucy started kindergarten this year. If she relapses, that treatment may be life-saving.

Children like Lucy need us. We need you.

This tax-time, support our research by making a tax deductible donation today.

A life should be long

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Please select your donation amount below:

Will help us analyse the data from the genome of a child like Lucy, giving vital insights to clinicians faster, that they can use to guide treatment decisions
Will help us store critical genetic data for children like Lucy, allowing us to do further research into what may be driving aggressive childhood cancers
Will help us to sequence the RNA from a child's tumour, potentially showing us the genetic variants that are driving cancer growth in that child's cells.

Your Details

Privacy: Children’s Cancer Institute manages your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). We collect, hold and use your personal information to process your donation and issue you with a tax-deductible receipt. We may also use your personal information for marketing and fundraising purposes and other ancillary uses. If you are under 18 and have provided details of a parent or guardian, we will only use this information to contact that person to obtain consent to the authority to fundraise. For more information, please visit our privacy statement page.

You can also opt out, or access or update your personal information, at any time by emailing

Payment Details


I'd like to add a little extra to help cover fees

Estimate your potential tax benefit

Enter your donation amount and select your income bracket to estimate your potential savings.

*You may be eligible for a tax deduction for your donation over $2. These figures are based on Australian Taxation Office 2022/23 figures (excluding the Medicare levy). The amounts shown in the estimator are a guide only, you should always seek independent financial advice having regard to your individual circumstances.

*No data entered in this estimator is stored or used for any other purpose than to assist in estimating your potential savings.

Tax Estimator



Harnessing the latest technology in childhood cancer research

Modern technology is giving us extraordinary insights into the mechanisms causing childhood cancer and allowing us to begin to answer many important questions about the causes and drivers. This means we can develop new, novel targeted treatments for children with cancer. And we’re sharing this data and collaborating globally so we can accelerate better outcomes for all children with cancer, sooner.

Support our research today

  • Sally just donated $26.38
  • Anonymous just donated $20.90
  • Christine Shelton just donated $52.75
  • Anonymous just donated $16.20
  • Josh Morris just donated $211
  • Anonymous just donated $263.75
  • Karen H just donated $262.50
  • Shirley just donated $105
  • Anonymous just donated $79.13
  • Magnus just donated $210
  • Peter just donated $205.72
  • Debra Cullen just donated $31.65
  • Richard Haber just donated $263.75
  • Tammy Mo just donated $52.75
  • Lisa Dixon just donated $79.13
  • Anonymous just donated $79.13
  • Dr Anthea Hyslop just donated $158.25
  • Sue just donated $42.20
  • William just donated $105.50
  • Eun Jeong Kim just donated $100

Where your donation goes.

84% Research & scientific activities to help cure childhood cancer.

Last year, 84 cents of every dollar spent within the Institute was spent directly on dedicated research to help cure childhood cancer.

10% Fundraising activities to generate donations and increase funding.

6% Core support services and infrastructure cost, vital to keep the Institute running.

Share with your networks

A big thank you to everyone who donated.


Wishing Lucy all the best for her future

6d ago


Hope we find a cure soon. I love you.

10d ago

Christine Shelton

12d ago


13d ago

Josh Morris

17d ago


21d ago

Karen H

You do wonderful work to help these children who so desperately need your help

22d ago

Shirley Liang

22d ago


22d ago

Magnus Primaz

22d ago