Violets of

“By fundraising for research into children's cancer we think the Violets of Tomorrow, next year, next decade will have sooner diagnosis, safer treatment and be cured.”

- Craig, Violet's dad

On 11 October 2021, the world lost a shining light. Violet Box passed away after an incredibly brave six-year battle with neuroblastoma. She was just 12 years old.

Violet was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma when she was just six. Doctors found a fist-sized tumour above her left kidney and additional spots throughout the bones of her tiny body.

She immediately began intense treatment. Over her journey, Violet endured countless rounds of chemotherapy and radiation, multiple surgeries, immunotherapy and a bone marrow transplant. She relapsed multiple times as her cancer became more aggressive and resistant to treatment.

Through it all, Violet’s spirit never wavered. She loved craft, making friends and dancing. Even on the toughest days, her smile and her passion for life lit up the room.

Violet and her family believed that her chances of survival were thanks to the many years of research and clinical trials that had been conducted before her. So they set up Violets of Tomorrow, to raise funds for research that could change the future for kids tomorrow.

Children’s Cancer Institute is dedicated to finding new, more effective and safer treatments for children with neuroblastoma. It may be too late for Violet, but we believe we can honour her and her family by creating a future for the Violets of Tomorrow.

  • Craig Box just donated $300
  • Russell & Donna just donated $105.50
  • Marina Dale just donated $52.75
  • Shannon Schweizer just donated $105.50
  • Anonymous just donated $105

A big thank you to our Supporters

The real heroes who are kindly helping us achieve our goal

Craig Box


Russell & Donna



Marina Dale

For the Violets of tomorrow xo


Shannon Schweizer

In loving of memory of gorgeous Violet 💜



Violet is always in our hearts
