
Thank you to our Sponsors


James O'leary

We hope this helps.




Zoey Rigon


Patrick Misciagna

Great cause. I am proud to support you gentlemen.


Year 8 Crane

Great job Tate and Mr Cooper!


Melissa Pease

A great cause x


Nick Bailey

Get it done! 😎


Mitch Stewart Stewart


Luce Jericevich


Carol Markram


Jane Carmichael

Don’t forget to send pink photos


Kylie Xxx

Wonderful Tate you are involved in an amazing cause! We need more awesome people in the world like you xx


Arlene Harris

Go Mitchy




Margie Mcelhone



Craig Dent


Mel Hill

Go team Crane! Great cause.


Nonno Palermo




Meg Bailey

Awesome effort!! Looking forward to seeing the ‘do’!


Rory Richards


Bahareh Yekta



Isabel Worsley

From an old School pal of your Mums - my nephew in Uk currently battling DIPG - well done all Of you


Jim Carmichael

Good effort X Make sure we get some photos!


Suzi And Rob Zadel

We’re proud of you!


Paul & Nevia Schroder

Proud of you sweetheart


Rafael & Angela Zadel

Proud of you Ethan



ALL your hair Xander… Auntie Jane


Peter Kurtz

Proud of you. Blonde hair will suit


Trev Mcdougall

Keep up the good work Tate


Nicole Schroder


Adam Corrigan

go nude nut


Spurrett Family

Nice work Fred. We want photos of your nude nut


Jacq Wharton


Jo, Will & Charlie

Well done Xander - looking forward to seeing those pink locks!


Kirsten Wenborne

Well done Jack - Dad and I are very proud of you!


Will And Annabel Battle

Go Xander! Looking foreward to the pics


Lisa Dainton


Thea Bailey

Awesome effort Xaz. I’m looking forward to dyeing your hair 😘


Lucy Russell

Well done xander - what shade are you going for?!


Rosie Nolan



Very proud of you.Tata and wella


Lisa York

Wonderful cause Fred! Super proud. X


Denise Jeffery

Great work Tate


Tyler Misciagna


Erica Russell

Can't wait to see you with a buzz cut one day (after Craigs wedding of course haha)


Oscar Mcfarland

So proud of you Zadel xxx.


Tania Gardner


Ethan Zadel



Tate so heart warming to see you raising funds for such a worthy cause


Rachel Jones


Angie Schroder


Joanna Pascuzzo

Well done


Aidan O'hara

love you xx


Amelia Morgan

Looking forwards to see what wacky style you go for!


Tate Stewart


Kathleen Bromley


Libby Beaumont

Great cause, thanks Jack and all Saint Augs xx


Ben Taylor


James Livingstone


Rory P


Chris Manias

Hope this helps




Scarlett Beaumont

Go get them tiger ❤️‍🔥


Leo Cockerill



Clive Mckell


Jon Mcmahon



St Augustine’s is a good school for donating to charity my smookums👍

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