Kathryn Bignold

St Augustine’s College Brookvale

Hello! I am fundraising for research into children's brain cancer - The Isaac Fund

St Augustine's College "Cut for a Cure" is an awareness raising and fundraising campaign, started by 2024 Head Prefect, Angus McInnes, in memory of his late brother, Isaac McInnes.

Isaac was diagnosed with an inoperable, rare and aggressive brain tumour at the end of 2017 and devastatingly passed away only 10 months later on 26 November 2018, at 13 years of age.

The Isaac Fund was set up in 2018 to find new treatment options for children battling brain cancer.

During this term, staff and students at Saints will be raising awareness and seeking donations to The Isaac Fund. All those who achieve their  fundraising targets will be shaving their heads, dying their hair, or getting a "mullet" in the last week of Term 2, to show their support for people of all ages battling cancer. The biggest fundraisers having their heads shaved at lunchtime on Monday 24th June.

If the College community reaches our overall target of $50 000, I will be dying my hair pink, and if we go above and beyond and reach $75 000, I will get a pink mohawk (to match my pup, Pancho!) 

Children’s Cancer Institute is the only medical research institute in Australia wholly dedicated to curing childhood cancer and committed to the innovation of safer treatments for children battling cancer.

Many thanks, in advance, for any support with raising awareness and donations for this cause close to our hearts.



Thank you to my Sponsors


Ren Jennings

A great idea for a great cause... Praying they hit $75K!! xx


Kathryn Bignold

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