Terms & Conditions
In entering the Dare to Cure 2022 event (“the Event”) I agree to the following terms and conditions:
- In these terms and conditions, “Dare Providers” means Jacqueline Salkeld t/a “Feature Creatures” (ABN: 42 413 963 344), Mathew Karel Brady (ABN: 65 203 513 470), Grand Royal Pty Ltd (ABN: 95 159 302 066), Re:Union Brookvale Pty Ltd (ABN: 70 631 737 785), Reptile Party Pty Ltd (ABN: 24 648 990 121), The Streets Barbershop (ABN: 38 629 995 311), Extreme Virtual Reality (ABN: 18 865 414 825) and Butterfly Skye’s - Bug Shop Pty Ltd (ABN: 88 604 798 076).
- I have volunteered at my sole risk to raise funds for Children’s Cancer Institute Australia (ABN 41 072 279 559) (“you/your”) by undertaking an activity (or activities) which will be personally challenging for me (“the Dare/s”) which are organised by you.
- As soon as possible after the Event, I will remit to you all funds I have raised along with photographs (“My Photographs”) and of the Dare/s for use by you in future fundraising activities including promoting future CEO Dare to Cure events.
- I understand and acknowledge that:
- the Dare/s may involve an inherent risk and you have warned me of the risk associated with the Dare, including loss of life and death.
- no representation or warranties in relation to my safety and the safety of the Event including the Dare/s is being made by you or any of the Dare providers.
- I will properly consider any risks before undertaking the Dare/s.
- The decision to participate in the Dare/s is entirely my own and I am free to withdraw from the Dare if I am not comfortable proceeding. I accept and assume all risks and liabilities associated with participation in the Dare/s, including but not limited to loss of life or permanent injury.
- In consideration of and as a condition of acceptance of my participation in the event for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, I:
- waive, release and discharge you (including your directors, staff, agents and independent contractors, the Dare providers, volunteers and sponsors) (“the Indemnified Parties"), from all and any liability including all claims or causes of action which I might otherwise have (including for negligence) arising from any injury, loss, or damage of whatever kind suffered or sustained by me arising directly or indirectly out of my participation in the Event including my participation in the Dare/s; and
- indemnify the Indemnified Parties against any claim, action, liability, loss, damage, cost or expense that the Indemnified Parties incur or are liable for as a result of my participation in the Event including my participation in the Dare/s; and
- agree not to bring any claim against you or any third party involved in the Dare/s including but not limited to the Dare providers for loss or damages, regardless of whether negligence can be demonstrated.
- Special terms for firewalking and glasswalking Dare:
In addition to the provisions of clauses 4 & 5, if I agreed to undertake the firewalking and glasswalking Dare, I acknowledge that I have been told that:
- people have been seriously injured by participating in firewalking and glasswalking,
- that there is in fact an inherent risk in firewalking and glasswalking, and
- if I voluntarily choose to firewalk and glasswalk, there is a possibility I may receive injuries requiring medical attention and I agree to give the waivers and indemnities set out in clause 5.
- I acknowledge that you will not insure me or my employer in relation to any aspect of the Event including the Dare/s, and I agree that I am responsible for all necessary insurance to cover my participation in the Event including the Dare/s.
- I agree to abide by all laws relating to the conduct of the Dare/s and any advice, directions or rules of any third party involved in the Dare/s including the Dare Providers.
- I warrant that I am physically fit to participate in the Dare/s and I will not participate in any Dare/s if I am currently suffering from any medical or other condition that may impair or impede my ability to participate.
- I consent to receive medical treatment which may be deemed advisable in the Event of injury, accident and/or illness during the Dare/s.
- I am at least eighteen (18) years old.
- I warrant that copyright in My Photographs supplied under clause 3 is owned by me and that My Photographs do not infringe the copyright, moral rights or other rights of any third party. I indemnify and keep you indemnified against any claim by a third party in relation to My Photographs. I grant you a perpetual, royalty free and non-exclusive licence to use, copy, reproduce, modify, broadcast, communicate or sublicense My Photographs (in whole or in part) for the promotion of the Event, you or other events held by you in any manner or media worldwide.
- I authorise you to take photographs, video recordings and audio recordings of my participation in the Event (“the Dare Footage”) and agree that all copyright in the Dare Footage will be owned solely by you.
- You may, on a perpetual basis, use, copy, reproduce, modify, broadcast or communicate my name, image, likeness, biographical information, voice or statement, without payment or compensation, in any manner or media worldwide, as part of My Photographs, the Dare Footage or for the promotion of the Event, you or other events held by you.
- I have had the opportunity to review the Children’s Cancer Institute Privacy Notice below and to seek more details in relation to the Children’s Cancer Institute Privacy Statement.
- I understand that I will be asked to agree to additional terms and conditions reflecting current COVID-19 health and safety requirements on the day of the Event.
Privacy Notice: Children’s Cancer Institute understands the importance of protecting your privacy and complies with the Australian Privacy Principles and the Privacy Act 1988. We collect your personal information to register you as a participant in our events and for the purpose of issuing you with a valid tax invoice. We may also disclose your personal information for fundraising and marketing purposes, such as sending you details about other activities, special offers or promotions by Children’s Cancer Institute and our sponsors. We would also like to share your email address with other participants and partners of CEO Dare to Cure. Children’s Cancer Institute and/or it’s service providers, will collect and store your attendance information for the sole purpose of complying with the Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order (No 4) 2020 and not for any other purpose. The collection, use, disclosure, and destruction of this information will be handled in accordance with the Public Health Order, Australian Privacy Principles and the Privacy Act 1988. If you do not consent to your personal information being disclosed by Children’s Cancer Institute, you can opt out by emailing us at supportercare@ccia.org.au
You can find more information about how we handle your personal information by visiting https://www.ccia.org.au/privacy-statement