I am fundraising for Anya’s Wish
On Sunday 15 October, I am taking on a challenge in memory of my darling daughter Anya Zuber.
Anya was just 13 when she was diagnosed with high-grade metastatic osteosarcoma – an aggressive and life-threatening bone cancer. Anya sadly lost her very brave six-year battle with this awful disease last year, aged 19.
In honour of the 19 precious years that Anya lived for, I am taking on my 19 for 19 Challenge to raise funds for Children’s Cancer Institute.
Anya’s Wish was for her body and experience with the disease be focussed on the ongoing research to end childhood cancer, particularly sarcoma.
Children’s Cancer Institute is the only medical research institute in Australia wholly dedicated to cure childhood cancer and pioneer safer treatments for children – that’s why I’m taking on a challenge in her memory.
Please sponsor me today and help provide better outcomes for generations to come.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Sue Corrigan

Spendelove Doak Family Xx

Nick Martin
Sorry we couldn’t be there this year!

Holly Butler
With love always xxx

Victoria Macnaughton

Kirsty Brunsdon
Best of luck with Sunday. Sounds like it's going to be a huge crowd doing the walk. Would love to join in but am away then. Thinking of you all. xx


God bless you and your family.

Philip Baker
Wonderful purpose and legacy. God abundantly bless you all


thinking of you .....

Michelle Hind

David Stewart
Touched. Good luck.

Stuart Mott
Your courage and strength is commendable I’ll be cheering you and the Team On “)

Asher Saeed

H Y Lian
Please continue to inspire others as you have inspired me and my family. Take care!


I'm deeply touched by your strength and resilience in the face of such a profound loss. Your dedication to this fundraiser is inspiring; supporting your cause with heartfelt compassion.

God bless!

Meri Tibbitts
May the sun shine on your fabulous dayxxx

Elise, Steve & Stirling
I'm sorry we can't be there for the walk. Hoping all goes well and that you smash your fundraising record!

Richard Baker
So proud of your strength and courage - but not surprised. Thinking of you and your family. Go Liz. Love from England. x

Alan Jones
One day I hope I'll be able to join you on the walk with your family and your community. It just looks like such a positive, affirming experience. In the meantime, it's good to know you a little and great to support you.

Fantastic work. Love to you, Will and Alex.