Christian Mascari

St Augustine’s College Brookvale

Hi, I’m fundraising for Isaac McInnes

Please support my fundraiser in memory of Isaac McInnes. I am trying to raise $1000 and if I do I will cut my hair into a bleached skullet. 

Isaac was diagnosed with an inoperable rare and aggressive brain tumour at the end of 2017 and devastatingly passed away only 10 months later on 26 November 2018, at 13 years of age.

The Isaac Fund was set up in 2018 to find new treatment options for Saints student; Isaac McInnes.

On Monday 24th  June, Isaac’s brother, Angus, will be leading the Cut for a Cure campaign at St Augustine’s College to raise funds for the Isaac Fund.

Children’s Cancer Institute is the only medical research institute in Australia wholly dedicate to curing childhood cancer and innovate safer treatments for children.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jon Mcmahon


Peter Fanous

Well done Christian. A great cause.


Christian Mascari


Susan Fanous

Good job Christian.. so proud of you xx


Thomas Fanous

Good work littie man


Jack Penberthy


Blake Woolford


Marlon Zak


Mr Flitcroft


Mascari Property Solutions Pty Ltd


Steve Mascari


Andrew Mascari


Mary Mascari


Brock Adams

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